06 May . 2022
Top Tips for Moving with Pets
Published: May 2022
We all know how stressful moving can be on people; imagine how anxious our pets must feel? They notice when there’s extra “activity” during packing, and then they are introduced to a new home which could stress them out.
Here are a couple of tips that will hopefully make the transition a bit easier on your pets:
1. Make sure to pack their “overnight bag” for moving. Include their bowls, food, favorite toys, bed and anything else that will help them to be comfortable wherever they are.
2. If you’ll be changing veterinarians, ask if they have any recommended vets where your new home is. Also be sure to get all of their records so you have them to give to the vet in your new neighborhood.
3. Remember this is a new neighborhood for your pets and if they get loose, they can easily get lost. Make sure you have an updated tag or microchip information with the new address and phone number.
4. Don’t forget – they need plenty of attention and the more you can give them the quicker it will feel just like home to them! Even a break from unpacking to go visit the BarkYard or have a nice walk along the scenic Bexley trails will be good for both of you!